Ethos, Vision and Values

Our Vision

Lanercost Church of England Primary School is a caring, unique and aspirational rural community which aims for every child to live life in all its fullness. Our small Christian school is driven towards a life-long love of learning, equipping every child in becoming forward thinking, compassionate young adults who are prepared for the ever-changing world around them. As a school family rooted in Koinonia[1], we enable every child to reach their divine potential, celebrate their individuality, and grow in wisdom and knowledge. Throughout each child’s journey we ensure that all in our diverse community are treated with dignity and respect.

[1] Koinonia is the Christian fellowship or body of believers (

Click here to read our vision for our inspiring curriculum.

Our Values 

At Lanercost C of E, we strive to go above and beyond every day, for every child. Our children are cherished, safe and delight in learning. Our school vision is underpinned by six chosen school values, which unfold the essential aims of the church, understood koinonia, and every member of our school family endeavours to achieve these: 

  • Respect and Reverence 
  • Hope 
  • Responsibility 
  • Perseverance 
  • Truthfulness 
  • Compassion

As part of driving these values forward, the staff team, our school council and our governors have created a shared definition of what we believe each of these values looks like for our staff and for our children. 

In addition to our school values, our vision is underpinned by British Values, which are taught and learned through our curriculum, daily actions, Collective Worship and the attitudes of all our Lanercost family. 

  • Democracy 
  • Rule of Law 
  • Respect and Tolerance 
  • Individual Liberty 

We believe that these values should not be taught discreetly but modelled and learned throughout everyday life at school. To find out more about how British Values are taught in school, click here. 

As staff, along with our governors and children, we have created this document to outline what each school value means to us. These are constantly explored, with additional depth each half term into a different value. 

Have a look at a brief overview of each of our values and what it means to us here.