Meet our Governors

At Lanercost, the governors play a large part in supporting the staff and children, helping to provide an excellent education for each individual child. If you need to contact the Governors please use either the Chair's or the Clerk's email address below:

Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again Ofsted (the national inspection board for schools) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management - including by the governing board.

Governors are the strategic leaders of schools and have a vital role to play in making sure that every child receives the best possible education. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the whole board. 

The Governor's core strategic duties are:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • supporting the appointment of staff
  • being a 'critical friend' to the Headteacher, in order to support and challenge them; and
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. 

A Governing Body can be made up of:

  • Staff representatives (teaching)
  • Headteacher
  • Community governors, including parents 
  • Parent governors
  • Other local sponsors with an interest in education
  • Foundation governors 
  • Local authority governor
  • Associate (for example; another member of staff who is not a governors, but may sit in on meetings as a non-voting observer).

The type of governor each person becomes depends on their situation; however, all governors can have the same roles and responsibilities once part of the governing body.

​​How do I become a governor?

If you are interested in becoming a school governor, then please talk to Steve Cope (our chair of governors) who leads the board. When there is a vacancy for a parent governor, all parents will be informed, and you will have a chance to stand for election. Many employers recognise the role of school governors as useful work experience and may offer paid leave for governor duties. 

When does the governing body meet?

The meet for three full meetings a year and also attend smaller committee meetings about three further times. 

How do I find out about what happens in meetings?

The non-confidential minutes can be found on the governor website from the menu.

Our Governors

The governing body is made up of two foundation governors, two co-opted governors, two parent governors, one local authority governor and one community governor. There is also one staff governor and the headteacher.

None of our governors have governing roles in other schools. 

There are a number of sub-committees which report to the full governing body, including:

  • Finance and Pay
  • Teaching and Learning
  • Premises and Health/Safety
  • Staffing and Performance Management
  • Safeguarding, SEND and Child Protection
  • First Appeal

Mrs. Julie Hogg

Mrs. Julie Hogg

  • Chair of Governors
  • Type of Governor: Parent Governor (Appointed by Parents on 2nd October 2023)
  • Level 1 Safeguarding Trained September 2023
  • Prevent Training November 2023

Mrs. Karen Reid

Mrs. Karen Reid

  • Vice Chair of Governing board
  • Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor (Appointed by Governing Body on 2nd October 2023)
  • Safeguarding Governor
  • Level 1 Safeguarding Trained October 2023
  • Level 2 Safeguarding Trained May 2022
  • Level 3 Safeguarding Trained May 2022
  • Prevent Training October 2023

Mrs. Helen Sheridan

Mrs. Helen Sheridan

  • Type of Governor: Local Authority (Appointed by the Local Authority on 1st January 2020)
  • Level 1 Safeguarding Trained October 2023
  • Prevent Training October 2023

Mr. Giles Saldanha

Mr. Giles Saldanha

  • Type of Governor: Foundation Governor (Appointed by Diocese of Carlisle on 18th September 2017)
  • Level 1 Safeguarding Trained September 2023
  • Prevent Training November 2023

Canon Benjamin Carter

Canon Benjamin Carter

  • Type of Governor: Foundation Governor (Appointed by Diocese of Carlisle on 20th September 2022)
  • Level 1 Safeguarding Trained February 2024
  • Prevent Training October 2022

Mrs. Natalie Hodgson

Mrs. Natalie Hodgson

  • Type of Governor: Parent Governor (Appointed by parents on 20th November 2022)
  • Level 1 Safeguard Training February 2024
  • Prevent Training November 2023

Mrs. Sian Lawton

Mrs. Sian Lawton

  • Type of Governor: Staff Governor (Appointed by staff on 11th November 2023)
  • Safeguard Training September 2023
  • Prevent Training January 2024

Ms. Pauline Graham

Ms. Pauline Graham

  • Appointed by the Governing Board on the 1st September 2018 as Clerk to Governors

Mrs. Alexandra Wilkinson

Mrs. Alexandra Wilkinson

  • Headteacher (by virtue of office held from April 2022)
  • Safeguarding Trained September 2023
  • Prevent Training November 2023
  • DSL/LAC Lead

Mrs. Helen Burleton

Mrs. Helen Burleton

  • Type of Governor: Co-opted Governor (Appointed by the Governing board 22nd February 2024)
  • Level 1 Safeguard Training February 2024
  • Prevent Training February 2024

A Prayer to Open Meetings:

We ask you to send your spirit upon us that,
as the days and terms unfold,
we may be always mindful of your presence
and alert to opportunities to see and serve you in those around us.
We pray that we may teach well by the example of our own lives,
by our knowledge and love of learning,
by our gentleness and care of the pupils entrusted to us.
In all that we do and say,
we pray that, in building up the community of our school,
we may contribute to the betterment of society
and to the Kingdom of your Son, Jesus Christ,
for your greater glory.
