Our Nursery

  • Class 1 Teacher - Mrs Siddall
  • Teaching Assistant - Mrs Irving
  • Apprentice Teaching Assistant - Miss Thomas
  • Shared Class Teaching Assistant - Miss Fisher

The most important period of life is not the age of university studies, but the first one, the period from birth to six.

-Maria Montessori 

Our Nursery

Our Nursery is a safe and exciting place for children to learn, develop, have fun and are nurtured and cared for. Through following elements of The Curiosity Approach, we ignite their Curiosity, Awe and Wonder through authentic materials and real-life experiences. Our well-resourced provision gives children the opportunity to evaluate and reflect on their learning and independently apply previously taught skills. 

Our Nursery children are provided with stimulating activities in our excellent facilities including weekly sessions of Woodland Schools. Children are given daily, adult-led phonics sessions, focusing on environmental and instrumental sounds, body percussion, alliteration, rhyming, voice sounds and oral blending to prepare them for the transition to Read Write Inc. phonics in Reception.  

Our outdoor area is accessible at any time, for most of the day. We ensure this develops our children holistically, following the interests of the child to develop a love of learning. 

We have a strong partnership between school and home where all children and their families are valued and respected. We give children the change to be part of our wider school community through shared learning with parents/carers, attending Collective Worship, celebrate festivals in Lanercost Priory, go on visits and enjoy mealtimes and playtimes with the whole school. 

To find see more of what our Nursery children get up to, go to our Class One page.

Our Sessions

We offer fully flexible childcare from 7.30am - 5.00pm. Fit in with work, family or school times to suit you. 

Our Sessions are 8.50-11.50am or 12.55-3.15pm. We also offer full day sessions 8.50am-3.15pm with an additional, wraparound charge of £4. Our Nursery children can enjoy a school meal for £3.00 or can bring their own packed lunch from home.

We offer places using your child's 15 hours of FREE childcare. We can then provide additional hours for your child through the 30 hours fully-funded (for eligible families). Parents are welcome to pay £4 per hour for additional sessions. 

For more information on 30 hours free childcare for 3 and 4 year old children click here

Prices are correct at time of publishing. 

Booking a Visit

Mrs Siddall, Mrs Irving and Miss Thomas are looking forward to welcoming you and your child. To come and see our fantastic facilities, meet our staff and find out more information, email Mrs Kirsty Ruddick or ring 016977 2702

Joining our School 

Click here for more information on how to join our school. 

For Cumberland Councils Nursery School Admissions Information visit: Nursery Admissions Information