Every Child's Personal Development

At Lanercost C of E Primary School, we believe in developing the whole child, so that they can live their life in all it's fullness. This is at the very core of our school.

Our approach to every child's personal development focuses on the bigger picture - we extend our curriculum beyond the academics and consider our responsibility to support the health and happiness of all children who are part of our school community. We provide our children with opportunities to develop their character including, resilience, confidence and independence and also provides the children with the understanding to keep physically and mentally healthy. 

We work on the basis that every child should be happy, healthy, safe, engaged, supported and challenged to grow in our educational environment. We aim to promote a culture that ensures each of our children are given the time to develop their interests, talents and learn wider skills in a safe and supportive environment, whilst still being academically engaged and challenged.

Due to our small intake, we are able to track each of our children and develop them individually. We have spent 2023-2024 looking at how we can improve this even further.

By providing our children with these opportunities to learn how to be respectful, responsible and active citizens, we are preparing our children for life in modern Britain. The children are also developing their understanding of our British Values and how to display and act upon these. 

Please see our PSHE curriculum page for more information: PSHE
Our RSE policy can be found here: RSE Policy