The Zones of Regulation

At Lanercost C of E Primary School, we use The Zones of Regulation in each class to help children to identify how they are feeling in the moment given their energy, emotions and level of alertness.

What are the Four Zones of Regulation?
Feelings come in different sizes, intensity, and levels of energy. To make this easy to talk and think about, we can categorise them into four simple, coloured categories that we call Zones of Regulation.

The Blue Zone describes low levels of energy and down feelings, such as when we feel sad, tired, sick, or bored.

The Green Zone describes when we feel calm energy and in control. We might feel happy, focused, content, or proud in the Green Zone.

The Yellow Zone describes when our energy starts to get higher, and our feelings get a little bigger. We might be feeling worried, embarrassed, silly, excited, frustrated, or wiggly in the Yellow Zone.

The Red Zone describes when we have extremely high energy and big, intense feelings. We might feel really, really happy or elated, really angry or furious, panicked, devastated, terrified, or out of control in the Red Zone.

All of the Zones are experienced naturally, and the use of The Zones of Regulation focuses on teaching the children how to recognise and manage their Zones based on their goals and task demands.

The Zones of Regulation

The Zones of Regulation Toolbox