Lanercost Church of England Primary School Policies

Our school policies cover every element of school life. They address the how to effectively achieve our school's strategic plan, our vision, and our values. They are a vital means to ensure that these underpin our everyday decisions and actions. Policies focus on the key processes within our school and centre on the interactions between school, our children, our parents and all our community members. These policies are about ensuring highly effective teaching and learning, about safety and about everybody's basic human rights. 

At Lanercost Church of England Primary School our policies are divided into three areas;

  • Statutory (S) - covering major strategic areas required by law, as stated by the Government's Statutory Policies for Schools document (Last updated March 2022). Where a policy is not statutory, but closely linked to a statutory policy it will be named Sb, Sc, Sd, etc.  These include policies related to, for example, safeguarding, behaviour and equal opportunities;
  • Good Practice (G) - additional policies not required by law but are deemed to be good practice within primary schools
  • Curriculum (C) - discretionary policies on specific subject areas of the curriculum or wider school life. 

Our policies are reviewed annually, bi-annually or in a few cases every three years. This is in accordance with statutory guidance or recommendations. We keep a document in school - Review of statutory policies' - which states the review timings, who 'owns' each policy and whether the policy needs to be ratified by a governor or the governing board.

If you wish to request a paper copy of any of the information on our school's website, please get in touch with Mrs Kirsty Ruddick on 016977 2702 or