Sports Premium Funding

At Lanercost C of E Primary, we have a culture where the contribution made by sports to a child's development is greatly valued. Physical Education and Sport play a very important part in the childrens' ‘whole school life’ at Lanercost. We understand the positive impact that being physically active has on children’s concentration and academic attainment levels. Being physically active also helps promote physical and emotional health and wellbeing; encouraging our children to be physically active makes them more likely to continue the habit into adult life.

Our whole staff team is committed to ensuring that all pupils have a wide variety of sporting experiences; these are delivered through a minimum of two hours of PE lessons per week and our more comprehensive curriculum that supports emotional health and wellbeing. Children are encouraged to participate in a wide range of sporting activities, and competitive events, and to undertake new sports to enrich their learning here.

Our aim is for the Sports Premium Grant funding to be used to enhance our current provision and achieve and exceed our aims in Physical Education and Physical Activity; these are to offer opportunities for children to:

  • Enjoy and be physically active
  • Recognise the importance of a physically active lifestyle
  • Engage in a wide range of opportunities to motivate and inspire active lifestyle choices in and out of school
  • Develop physical skills in all aspects of physical education through a wide and varied curriculum
  • Engage in activities that develop cardiovascular health, mobility, speed, flexibility, muscular strength and stamina
  • Develop positive attitudes to good sporting behaviour, competition and fair play as individual participants, team members and spectators
  • Understand the need for safe practice in physical activities and how to achieve this
  • Set targets for themselves and compete against others, individually and as a team member
  • Understand the learning process that is involved in striving for and reaching competence in physical activity
  • Use their creativity to plan, perform and evaluate in all physical education and activity areas, make up their own games and respond to problem-solving and challenging activities
  • To promote high-quality physical education and activity so all pupils learn to love being active both within and outside curriculum time.

Playing sports helps to keep people healthy and is good for communities. Playing sports at school or in a local club is also the first step to competition at the highest level, which helps improve our reputation as a sporting nation and contributes to economic growth.

The PE and sports premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of their children's PE and sports activities.

The government provides funding to improve physical education and sports in primary schools. This funding – provided jointly by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport is ring-fenced and can therefore only be spent on providing PE and sport in schools.
