Early Years Foundation Stage

Subject Leader: Mrs Siddall


"Play is the highest form of research"

Albert Einstein, Theoretical physicist

At Lanercost C of E Primary School we encourage inquisitive, curious and creative minds through the 'Curiosity Approach'.  We create a sense of awe and wonder inside and outside the classroom, laying the foundations for future learning and instilling a love of curiosity, helping to create those “thinkers and doers” of the future. 

All children deserve the best start in life and should have a safe, inviting and nurturing environment to come into each day. We believe that curiosity is a powerful driver for all learning, leading to imagination and creativity. By providing the children with the opportunity to touch, handle and investigate, authentic artefacts, natural and recycled materials, loose parts and toys they are able to follow their own interests in their own individual learning style. 

Click for more information about Our Nursery and Class One