Physical Education

Subject Leader: Mrs. S Siddall

"Our youth should also be educated with music and physical education."


Through the Physical Education sessions taught within school, we aim for every child to aspire to have a lifetime love of sport and keeping fit. We know that sport enables the children to see the rewards of effort and the lessons of failure, build resilience and allows them to develop their growth mindset and positive mental health.  The range of sporting opportunities that we provide allows children to be creative, competitive and to face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. This promotes positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles along with:

  1. Improving mental health and resilience
  2. Providing a broad range of high quality opportunities and outcomes for every child
  3. Encouraging community involvement
  4. Promoting active participation and competition at all levels
  5. Raising achievement and supporting excellence.

Being active and healthy is a core part of life and at Lanercost and we spend our Sports premium carefully to enable every child to have success within sports. To see our PE and School Sport audit and the areas we have identified for improvement, please click here.