
At Lanercost, we ensure that all children are supported in their transition process regardless of their age or school that they are moving too.

In Year 6, it is particularly important to help support and prepare the children for some of the changes which accompany moving to secondary school. For all of our children, this is an important life step and can be quite daunting. To help ensure the children are equipped with the skills needed, we:

  • Take part in a range of activities with other school throughout the academic year. These activities include maths workshops, sporting events and residentials with other schools from our local area.  These activities allow children to meet future friends in a safe and welcoming environment.
  • We actively encourage children to explore their new schools before they finish at Lanercost. This includes providing leaflets/information to prospective students (starting in Year 5), facilitating meetings with new members of staff, encouraging visits to open days and transition events and providing opportunities for the children to explore their new school's website (and transition information) during the school day. 
  • Create a transition project which can be shared with their new teachers in September. This could be an 'All about me' profile, a written task or a video presentation. In some cases, we are able to do this in conjunction with their new school so that the children receive input from both us, at Lanercost, as well as some of their new teachers. 
  • Provide emotional support for all children to address any worries/questions they may have about their move to secondary school.
  • Give assemblies about moving to secondary schools. These are often with other adults who have worked closely with the children for many years (e.g. Rachel from NISCU). 

In addition to the above activities, as staff, we also have in depth conversations with each secondary school about all of our Year 6 children. These conversations help to give a sense of each child and ensure that their new teachers are able to continue their learning journey smoothly. 

If you have any questions about our transition provision, please get in touch and we would be happy to discuss this further. 

